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Neighborhood Summary/Amenities
Timbergreen features:
Reminder about following deed restrictions
Deed restrictions are put in place to help ensure an aesthetically pleasing appearance for our neighborhood and to optimize property values. Timbergreen is fortunate to have great homeowners who take pride in their homes and their community. Sometimes, however, homeowners unintentionally overlook situations that may be in violation of the deed restrictions. Please familiarize yourself with the deed restrictions, and if you have any questions about them, call our property management company, CKM at 281-255-3055. If you need a copy of the deed restrictions, you can download them from the Deed Restriction page on this web site. Did you know it is against Texas State law to operate an unlicensed motor vehicle on the streets? It is, and it is also a violation of deed restrictions. CKM Property Management You may wonder what role CKM plays in the management of Timbergreen. Officially, their role is to implement decisions and policies established by the Board of Directors of the Association. CKM's responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
CKM's mission is to provide excellent service, to meet the needs of and enrich your community, and to help maintain your property values. See
www.ckmpropertymanagement.com for more information or contact them at angela@ckm1.com